Video 7 min 19 sec


All living beings have a different perception of time. A moment for a human being is the whole life for a moth. In her project called ‘Transit’, Victoria Mukhonko examines how the perception of time can vary in context of different species. The artist implements a metaphor of a fragile insect for a contrast.

According to the concept of Eternalism, time is a dimension responsive to no adjustments. It is neither controllable nor watchable; it is impossible even to track its progress. One cannot follow how it flows from the

Future into the Present and how it becomes the Past. The only thing we can feel is our presence in a particular moment of the time. In reality, any creature is just a hostage of the time staying imprisoned in the present moment. The Present is dichotomic: it neither provides us with an opportunity to correct our past nor to know our future. The only opportunity we have is to feel both the present moment and the nerve of the eternity.