Video 40min.

Photo 54×76.


In my work, I reflect on the problems of the relationships between parents and children. Communication between a parent and a child is the most important thing. It is the basis for the child to contact with the whole world in the future. If any failures occur, their consequences will have an impact throughout their lives. A large number of people at all times encountered these difficulties to a greater or lesser extent. Faced with this problem, I have been trying for a long time to understand the reasons and find a solution.

The purpose of my work is to figure out what is happening, try to understand the problem, and provide an opportunity for the viewer to reflect on this topic. I want to understand why the strongest of all existing connections between people can cause such disruptions and have serious consequences for both sides. Is it possible to handle your emotions and leave resentment in the past and try to concentrate on what you have in common and build mutual understanding? Is it possible to restore what has long been destroyed?